Invitation for Participation in Forensic Software Testing Introduction

The Truth is Out There so
Go Where No Man Has Gone Before
and: Make sure your software can find the evidence.

Have you seen these questions on the lists:

* What is the best forensic file copy program?
* What is the best forensic file hash program?
* What is the best forensic file cataloging/listing program?
* What is the best forensic file zip/unzip for long term storage for your reports and work product?

Well, I have seen these questions, and I have seen dozens of responses for various programs which many "ASSUME" are valid answers.


In today's digital landscape, ensuring the reliability and effectiveness of forensic tools is critical for investigators, cybersecurity experts, and legal professionals. Whether you're cataloging digital evidence, hashing files, copying data, or compressing evidence for storage, the accuracy of the tools used can make or break a case. The failure or shortcoming of a program may be a valid defense argument.

Why Participate:

Many of you have likely come across discussions about the best forensic tools whether for file copying, hashing, cataloging, or zipping evidence for storage. Despite numerous recommendations, there seem sto be little verified data on which programs consistently meet forensic standards.

And more importantly, the capability of the program to meet your current needs for this particular case. One person, or one case may need to specifically validate a hash before and after the copy, or may need to examine alternate data stream to see what URL the picture came from. Others say, not my needs. So each investigation may have a fine tuned need for a targeted capability or operasion. And don't forget, the opposing side knows what information or evidence you are relying on, and they know and most likely have tested your particular program operation to see if it has any shortcomings to process that particular piece of evidence. Not everyone needs to process the evidence in an identicle way. But you should know if your software properly processes your evidence for this case.

This initiative offers a structured way to test these tools and share findings with the community, allowing for better-informed decisions when choosing forensic software.

I have, (time flies when you are having fun) over the past 5 or 6 years been giving a 4 hour session at a local college on forensic software tool testing. These sessions discuss developing test data and basic testing of the software tools you use in your forensic analysis of seized computers, and the tools you may need to use in your role as cyber security expert.

Now, to address these concerns, you are invited to participate in a comprehensive forensic software testing initiative. This initiative is designed to validate commonly used forensic software, ensuring it can handle the demands of real-world investigations on NTFS file systems, one of the most widely used file systems in forensic investigations. You may choose to report your findings, or not. But you will see that much of the software you test may not meet all your needs all the time.

Scope of Testing

The tests focus on NTFS file systems because it is widely used in forensic investigations involving individual computers and corporate servers. The testing will stress a few specific aspects of the NTFS system by using files with long names, alternate data streams, and preset MAC (Modified, Accessed, Created) dates which may be critical aspects of a digital forensic investigation. Not every situation or capability is tested. Just those 3 or 4 items which may be a simple and general evidence item that may at some point be challeged. As the user of the software, you can obviously add your own requirements for the test to meet your own investigations.

Simple setup. Yes/NO?

How This Process Works

Participants (that is you) will:

1. Download the test suite (a 3.5 MB zip/encrypted file set containing about 150 files designed to stress your forensic tools).
2. Extract the files to a clean NTFS folder to ensure accurate testing.
3. Configure the NTFS registry key to enable last access date updates.
4. Run tests (explained more fully below) using your forensic tools, focusing on any or all of four key areas:
     A: File cataloging/listing. (in other words, create an inventory of case work, and what you seize)
     B: File hashing. (check and maintain integrity of the evidence)
     C: File copying. (forensically copy ALL the evidence and your reports)
     D: File zipping/unzipping for evidence preservation. (maintain for future review the evidence)

Each test will assess whether the software can accurately and defensibly process files while maintaining critical metadata such as long filenames, alternate data streams, and MAC dates.

Test Requirements (catalog, hash, copy, zip)

Participants will run their forensic software through a series of tests and report the following for inclusion into a final consolidated report:

1. File Cataloging/Listing to determine:
     Create accurate catalog/inventory of evidence at the suspect source before seizure.
     Is the output easily included, massaged into a report or spreadsheet.
     Does it find and properly list any long filename items.
     Can the software find and list of all files in the tree, including hidden and alternate data streams.
     Does it record all three MAC dates accurately.

Sample output here. Path removed for display purposes.

top_of_lfn_folders                   DIR  10/02/2024 16:08:21:643c  10/02/2024 16:08:21:643w  10/02/2024 16:08:27:565a EST ....D.
ALTERNATE_STREAM_FILE.TXT             48  01/01/2019 07:34:56:789c  01/01/2019 07:34:56:789w  01/01/2019 07:34:56:789a EST ......
ALTERNATE_STREAM_FILE.TXT:ALTERNATE   34  01/01/2019 07:34:56:789c  01/01/2019 07:34:56:789w  01/01/2019 07:34:56:789a EST .adata
logfile_hidden                       498  01/01/2019 07:34:56:789c  01/01/2019 07:34:56:789w  01/01/2019 07:34:56:789a EST .H....

2. File Hashing: (for data integrity purposes)
     Lets assume the hash is being done on original evidence before "seizure" and again when restored at your work station.

     Can it produce a reasonabe output capable of inclusion in a report or spreadsheet.
     Can its output be used in later comparisons or integrity tests/confirmation matches.
     Can the software generate a reliable hash for all files without altering the original (evidence) last access date.
     Are all files, including alternate data streams, included in the hash.
     When the next investigator again hashes the original source, what MAC dates will they see?

Sample output here
  PATH                            MD5                SIZE     CDATE      CTIME         MDATE      MTIME         ADATE      ATIME       
I:\TMP\DC4.txt   26E47CB686A587BD43FB77CB9EBC2937     152  11/19/2019  07:39:03:245c 07/21/2017 16:04:09:248w 07/21/2021 12:47:01:264a 

3. File Copying: (either from original evidence location, or during your analysis).
     Can the tool copy files while preserving long filenames.
     Can it find and copy any and all alternate data streams.
     Does it alter any of the original MAC dates during the copy. Thus corrupting original evidence.
     Does it properly set destination copy to correct original MAC dates.
     Does it properly restore any original full path.

4. File Zipping/Unzipping:
     Can the tool compress and decompress files while maintaining their integrity and metadata.
     When files are extracted: are all original files and paths available.
     Do extracted files have original MAC dates restored.
     Years down the road, will the extraction program still be available when you go to court.

Reporting and Submission

Participants will report the results in a structured format, detailing:
  A spreadsheet with basic items/columns needed can be provided as shown below to keep reporting consistant.
Otherwise your reporting should contain:
     The software name and version.
     Specific test conducted. (LFN, ADS, MAC retention, etc).
     Results (Pass, Fail, or Partial Pass).
Columns in your report to check:
Program Name    | Version | Long Filename  | Original Last Access  | Destination Access  | Destination MAC  | Altnerate data stream copied 
                          |                |     Retained          |  Maintained         |    maintained    |

  my_copy.exe   | ver 1.0 |      fail      |      fail             | 1/2 pass;           |      1/2 pass    |   fail        
  your_copy.exe | ver 2.1 |      pass      |      pass             | fail:               |          fail    |   pass           

1/2 pass could mean: 
   it may have failed on 1 or more of the requirement items. 
   for instance: retained created, but failed modified and access or
   process parent file but didn't see ADS.
   process short filenames, but failed LFN's.
   basically, some part of the data was not properly retained/process/recorded. you get the idea.

Now for the final step.

Select one or more of the above items for your test. (catalog/list, hash, copy, zip/unzip).
Contact me at for the link and password to the test data of about 150 files.
Set up your NTFS directory. Probably a small NTFS thumb drive is best idea.
Reset registry last access update to ON.
Run the executable from the link and it will extract all the files in the tree.

Chicken and egg part:

In order for you properly test your software you must first determine if ALL the files in the test environment have been extracted.
So after you have extracted the files, you must determine if they are all there before conducting your tests. Isn't this a preliminary evidence cataloging step???

So, after you have figured out how many files have been extracted and you are ready to begin, send the count to me and I will confirm the correct number.
HA HA. Did you think I would supply the exact number.
That is why you are an investigator, you need to have a reliable process to confirm all the files. After all, I just provided you with a bunch of evidence to process.

Once you are satified you have the correct number of files to process, you should pick one or all of the topics and begin testing.
Find and test as many packages as you have seen recommended and test them all.
Create a spreadsheet with your answers, and send it to me.
I will include a count of all tests returned for each program you list. For instance, if I get 3 responses for listme.exe, I will include all three items in the final count for the program listme.exe

Dan Mares, 678-427-3275